FGSW wins the recognition vote with overwhelming margins. Bargaining Committee election commences.

Bargaining begins. Fordham employs a variety of tactics to stall negotiation, preventing the formation of TAs (tentative agreements). In particular, Fordham’s team refuses to negotiate over any economic proposals unless they are all on the table, even though this is not a technical barrier for negotiations.

Incited by Fordham Bargaining Team’s stalling at the table, members of FGSW organize and participate in a successful 3-day walkout.

Under pressure from FGSW and our allies, Fordham concedes to a ban on NDAs for unit members. Unit-wide NDA bans are hitherto unprecedented for graduate worker contracts in the United States.

Fordham agrees to hire a member of staff dedicated to international graudate students. (The hiring process has since been completed.)

FGSW and Fordham reach their first Tentative Agreements: Academic Freedom and Labor Management Committee.

FGSW, unit members, and allies stage a series of public events to put pressure on Fordham’s bargaining team, which is still moving at a glacial pace. Members rallied in heavy rainstorms at Homecoming and fliered President Tetlow’s speech.

In response, Fordham promises to return counter-proposals on economic issues, including compensation, a first since Fall of 2022.

end of October, another TA is reached (Orientation).

More actions, more pressure: Members attend a teach-in and rally at Walsh Library, on the Rose Hill campus.

Fordham finally hands in their economic counters, after a 3-week delay; these counters show no productive movement towards a middle ground with FGSW’s proposals, the latter of which stipulate a living wage as well as comprehensive healthcare benefits for unit members and dependents. Even though there is more progress, Fordham’s bargaining team is unwilling to budge from the status quo.

A supermajority of members sign a unity pledge to stand behind the bargaining team in the fight for a fair contract.

In the first session of the new year, FGSW reaches three TAs with Fordham (Grievance and arbitration, job postings, and timely expense reimbursements).

To be continued…